
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on elokuu, 2019.

Here's what's up

Feelings about Chile so far How am I feeling right now ? Right now, when I'm writing this, very frustrated. I had written a lot to this but somehow I managed to delete it all and here I am, writing all of this again but you know it's fine it's not like I don't have time for it or anything. I probably also would've rephrased the whole thing again which I did not do in my previous text and I think it was kinda stiff to read. Aiming for this to be better than that lol. Enjoy Culture shock? Don't know her. If I am to believe what my afs books tell me, the fact that I am so tired all the time is because of the cultural shock we're supposed to be having. But I would probably say that for me, the cultural shock stops there. I mean yes, Chilean culture is very different to the Finnish culture and I haven't been used to saying hello with a kiss on the cheek, being stared at just because I'm blonde, being transferred everywhere by car and even having...

First weeeeek

A week already?? All right so before we start  I've been requested (quite a few times actually) if I could write these in English so all my friends who do not speak Finnish (gotta thank cisv & afs at this point) can understand. This might actually be a good idea, after all imma gonna have to keep up my English for KSYK :D Manageable I'd say, since pretty much all the Finns I know are reading this blog can read in English as well, but I gotta warn u there's gonna be some texts in Finnish as well.  (Translations upon requests) SOOOOO first week huh? I came to San Fernando last Sunday, so it's been a week already. A week that has been very full, weird but mostly just fun. And went by very fast. School started pretty ok I'd say and unlike other exchange students I've been talking to, I went to school already on Monday . On the first day I was just very lost and confused since everyone was just staring at me (mainly because I have blonde hair but al...

Tääl ollaa

Kuluneen viikon aikana .. on tapahtunu kaikkee hulluu. Maanantaista torstaihin näin vikaa kertaa vähään aikaan kavereita ja sukulaisia läksiäisten merkeissä, ja stressasin pakkaamisesta. Torstaina joskus viiden aikoihin lähettiin ajaa kohti Helsinki-Vantaan lentokenttää, jossa tunnin hyvästien jälkeen lähettiin Ilonan kans seikkailulle.  Pariisin lento oli noin puol tuntia myöhässä, mut ehittiin silti ihan hyvin seuraavallekin lennolle. Lento Pariisista Santiagoon papereiden mukaan kestäis noin 14,5h, mut tuulet oli suosiollisia tai jotain sellasta ja oltiin Santiagossa jo tuntia aikasemmin. Se ei paljoo kyllä paljoo vähemmältä tuntunu, ainakaan leikattujen polvien kanssa :D Tällä samalla lennolla oli ainakin tanskalaiset ja norjalainen, oisko unkarilainenkin ollu. Yks näistä tanskalaisista istu meiän takana lennolla ja turns out se tulee asumaan kans San Fernandossa, niinku mä ja tää norjalainen. Eksyttiin lentokentällä pari kertaa mut lopulta päästiin passintarkastukseen ...